The Project


Lime Down Solar Park is a new utility-scale solar park and battery energy storage project proposed to be built on land in North Wiltshire. The project would comprise the installation of ground-mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, inverters, transformers, a substation, site access, cable connections, security fencing and CCTV equipment and construction compounds and necessary infrastructure to connect to the National Grid at Melksham Substation, enabling electricity generated to be supplied to homes and businesses across the UK. The proposals also include a new Battery Energy Storage System (BESS).

If consented, the scheme is anticipated to have a generation capacity of 500 megawatts. This is equivalent to providing enough clean energy to power approximately 115,000 homes. 

Please see our proposed site location map below, including indications of where we are indicatively proposing to locate the solar infrastructure, and options for the battery energy storage system and underground cabling route.

We have not yet finalised the layout of Lime Down Solar Park at this early stage in the development process, as this will evolve based on the findings from environmental and technical surveys we are carrying out and feedback we receive through consultation and engagement.

Below you can also use our interactive map to search for a location.